Rhizosphere samples were collected from healthy and symptomatic oaks found at Hatchlands park, Guildford. oaks were identified and assigned a number in which 1 – 10 indicated parkland samples and 11 – 20 indicated woodland samples, while odd numbers indicated AOD symptomatic and even numbers indicated healthy oaks. DNA was extracted from these samples using the Qiagen Power Soil Pro Kit (Qiagen) per the manufacturers instructions. Synthetic long read 16S rRNA gene sequencing was performed by Loop Genomics (Element biosciences) on the extracted DNA from the Hatchlands Rhizosphere soil samples. QIIME2 was used for the quality control of data and taxonomic assignment of 16S sequences, after which the community structure of rhizosphere samples were assessed through the deposited interactive krona plots were made which assign colours based on hierarchy.