For the purposes of this research, a postal survey was developed and mailed out to two different UK sites: • 1750 houses within 750m of Study Site 1 (England, new development, fig.1), SuDS ponds installed in a development cell around the time of construction, three miles from the centre of a major conurbation.; • 2467 houses within 500m of Study Site 2 (Northern Ireland, retrofit, fig.2), a retrofitted renaturalised river with improved aesthetics and amenity provision, running through a park in the centre of a major conurbation. The survey collected demographic information and attitudinal information through principally five-point Likert-score based (Strongly Like/Agree – Strongly Dislike/Disagree, plus a small number of open-text response boxes to elicit more information. The surveys asked for opinions about the BGI services; frequency and reasons for visiting; awareness and understanding of flood risk and belief that the BGI might help, and thoughts about stewardship.