leader-evaluation_text;eval_directed_at;affective_evaluation;numeric_code [positive sign written by participant];Theresa May 2017;positive;1 arrogant;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 arrogant;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 authority;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 awkward;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Backwards;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 bad for the country;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Bloody woman;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 blue;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 bureaucrat;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 business like;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 calculated;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 calculating;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 calculating;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 callous;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 callous;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Calm;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 career politician;Theresa May 2017;uncoded;0 careful of appearance;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 caring;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 changeable;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 choice of jewellery;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 classic politician;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 classist;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 clear;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 cold;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 cold;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 cold;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 competent;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 competent;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 Competent;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 competent relative to her opposition;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 con artist;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 confident;Theresa May 2017;uncoded;0 confused;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 conservative;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Conservative;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 conservative;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 conservative;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 contrary to what I've just implied [in the discussion];Theresa May 2017;uncoded;0 Co-ordination;Theresa May 2017;uncoded;0 cruel;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 cruel;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 cruel;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Cynical;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Deceptive;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Defiant;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 destructive;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 determination;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 determination;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 determined;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 Determined;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 dishonest;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 does not care for the poor, just the rich;Theresa May 2017;uncoded;0 Doesn't listen;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 dull;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 efficient;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 elite;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 establishment;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 establishment;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 Eviel [spelt by participant];Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 evil;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Experienced;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 faintly Inhuman;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Fair;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 female;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 female;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 focused;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 Focussed;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 gameplayer;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 gets the job done;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 Hard;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 hard;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 Hard Brexit;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 hard-working;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 hawkish;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Heartless;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 heartless;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Honest;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 honest;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 humourless;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 in control;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 inconsistent;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 inconsistent;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Insincere;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 institution;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 intolerable;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 intransigent;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 jingoistic;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 kindly;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 lack of empathy;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 lacking in spontaneity;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 Leader;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 Leader;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 liar;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 liar;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Looks the part;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 manipulative;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Margaret Thatcher;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 Marge Simpson;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Means business;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 money-driven;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Nationalist;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 not interested in working people;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 old;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 old;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 old;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 old-fashioned;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 One Nation Conservative;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 only for the rich;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 opportunistic;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 out of touch;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 overconfident;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 power hungry;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 pragmatic;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 professional;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 Professional;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 professional;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 ready to go;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 relatively humorless;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 rich;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 rightwing;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 robotic;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Ruthless;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 self serving;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Self-serving;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Sensible;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 shambles;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 sincere;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 sinister;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 sleek;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 sly;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 smarmy;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 smart;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 Smart;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 smooth;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 smooth;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Smug;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Sneaky;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Snobbish;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 socially awkward;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 somewhat aloof and detached;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Steely;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 stereotype;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 stern;Theresa May 2017;uncoded;0 Strict;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Strong;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 Strong;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 strong;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 strong;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 strong;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 strong and stable;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 Strong minded;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 strong, confident, capable, leader;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 styled;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 tactical;Theresa May 2017;uncoded;0 tenacity;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 Thatcher all over again;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Tired;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 tired;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 tired;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 tired;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 together;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 Tory;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 tory;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Tory;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Totally skewed in priorities;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Tough;Theresa May 2017;uncoded;0 transparent;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Trusting;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 Truthful;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 turn coat;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 typical tory;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 uncaring;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 uncomfortable;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 uncomfortable;Theresa May 2017;neutral;0 Uncompromising;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 under pressure;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 unfeeling;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Unfriendly;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 untrustworthy;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 untrustworthy;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 untrustworthy;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Untrustworthy;Theresa May 2017;uncoded;0 Upper class;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Utterly lacking humanity;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 wants power at any price;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 wary;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Weak;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 Weak;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 weak;Theresa May 2017;negative;-1 well-intentioned;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 woman;Theresa May 2017;positive;1 [negative sign written by participant];Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 [unreadable];Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 academic;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 activist;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 affable;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 aloof;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 appealing;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 approachable;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 austere;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 beard lol;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 bearded;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 Bland;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 Bland and other than that I just feel nothing;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 Captain Birdseye;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 caring;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 caring;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 caring;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 caring;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;uncoded;0 committed;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 compassionate;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 conviction;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 conviction politician;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 cool headed;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 costed;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 dangerous;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 deluded;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 deluded;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;uncoded;0 determined;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 determined;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 dignified;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 dishonest;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 Does not look the part;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 doesn't understand the economy;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 down to earth;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 economically incompetent;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 emotive;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 endlessly equivocating;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 fair;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 forthright;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 friendly;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 Friendly;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 friendly;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 genuine;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 genuine;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;uncoded;0 good leader;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 good listener;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 grandfather;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 grandfather;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 Handsome;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 happy;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 Has an agenda I do not understand;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 has difficulty projecting himself;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 has to grow some balls or he will get walked over;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;uncoded;0 honest;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 Honest;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 Honest;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 honest;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 honest;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 honest;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 honest;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;uncoded;0 honest;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;uncoded;0 honest to his convictions;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 honourable;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;uncoded;0 human rights;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 Humble;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 idealistic;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 illogical;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 immoral;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 impassioned;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 incompetent;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 incompetent;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 incompetent;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 indifferent to public image;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 Inoffensive;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 integrity;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 integrity;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 integrity;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 intelligent;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 IRA;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;uncoded;0 Is he led or is he leading;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 just;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 Just doesn't cut it;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 kind;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 kind;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 kind;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 kindly;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 knowing;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 knowledgeable;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 lacks self-confidence;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 left wing;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 liability;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 liberal;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 Likeable;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 Likely to stand for the right thing even if those around him aren't;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 makes unwarranted personal attacks;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 Marxist;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 mature;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 micro not macro;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 misunderstood;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;uncoded;0 narrow;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 Nice face;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;uncoded;0 No control;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 No trust;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 Nonconformist;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 non-trustworthy;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 normal;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 not a communicator;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 Not overly-knowledgeable about the situation in Scotland;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 OAP;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 out of touch;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 out of touch with the population as a whole;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 pacifist;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 passionate;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 passionate;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 patient;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 poor social skills;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;uncoded;0 positive;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 possibly some principals about looking after vulberable;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 principled;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 principled;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 principled;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 principled;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 principled;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 principled;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 principled;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 principled;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 principled;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;uncoded;0 principled;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;uncoded;0 Quiet but steady and long-term worker;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 relatable;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 relaxed;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 revolutionary;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 rich/wealth hater;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 scruffy;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 seems like a nice man!;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 sensible;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 shrivelled;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 sincere;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 sincere;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;uncoded;0 Sincere and Authentic;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 socialist;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 Socialist;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 socialist to extremes;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 Socially conscious;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 still behaves like a back bench Mp;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 straight;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 straight laced;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 strong;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 strong;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 stubborn;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 stubborn;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 stuck in his ways;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 studious;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 terrorist sympathiser;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 thinker;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 thoughtful;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 thoughtful;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 Trident;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;uncoded;0 troubled;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 trustworthy;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 trustworthy;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 trustworthy;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;uncoded;0 truthful;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 Truthful;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 unconnected;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 uninterested;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;uncoded;0 unknowable;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 unlike Theresa May, has the common touch;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 unpragmatic;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;uncoded;0 unrealistic;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 unsmooth;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 unstereotypical;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 unsupported;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 up front;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 weak;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 weak;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 weak;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 weak;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 well-meaning;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 Wise;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 wise;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 wise;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;positive;1 wrong;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;negative;-1 wrong-time;Jeremy Corbyn 2017;neutral;0 [negative sign written by participant];Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 A bit weird;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 awkward;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 bit smarmy!!;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 boring;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 boring;Tim Farron 2017;uncoded;0 caricature;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 caring;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 cheesy;Tim Farron 2017;neutral;0 cheesy too tanned;Tim Farron 2017;neutral;0 christian;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 Christian;Tim Farron 2017;neutral;0 Christian;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 clingy;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 condescending;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 confident;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 contradictory;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 Daft;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 desperate;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 Disengaged;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 Disgraceful human being;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 dishonest;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 dishonestbar;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 dodgy-smug;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 Does not impress;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 down-to-earth;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 effective campaigner;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 elite;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 Energy;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 enthusiastic;Tim Farron 2017;neutral;0 false;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 false;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 feminine;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 focuses on Brexit a little too much;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 friendly;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 Friendly;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 genuine;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 glib;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 globalist;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 good speaker;Tim Farron 2017;uncoded;0 happy;Tim Farron 2017;uncoded;0 homophobic;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 honest;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 human rights;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 indecisive;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 ineffectual;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 integrity;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 intelligent and eloquent;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 irrelevant;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 lacking in charisma;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 left wing;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 liberal;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 liberal;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 little personality;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 meh;Tim Farron 2017;neutral;0 middle of the road;Tim Farron 2017;neutral;0 Mr Pleaser;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 naive;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 Neglected;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 neutral;Tim Farron 2017;neutral;0 nice;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 nobody-else-would-do-the-job;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 Nonentity;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 Normal;Tim Farron 2017;neutral;0 Northern;Tim Farron 2017;neutral;0 not a leader;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 obsessional about certain topics;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 odd;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 Out of depth;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 out of touch with a lot of the general population;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 overconfident or smug?;Tim Farron 2017;neutral;0 passionate;Tim Farron 2017;neutral;0 personable;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 pointless;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 politically ambiguous;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 Privileged;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 Pro-europe;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 pro-european;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 relatable;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 religious;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 remain in EU;Tim Farron 2017;neutral;0 set on a goal;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 shifty;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 shiny;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 Sickly Nice;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 slick;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 smarmy;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 smarmy;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 Smarmy;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 Smiley;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 smug;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 stagnant;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 Strange;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 sweet;Tim Farron 2017;neutral;0 trustworthy;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 try-hard;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 Try-hard;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 trying too hard;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 unapproachable;Tim Farron 2017;uncoded;0 Uncomfortable;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 Unknown;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 unremarkable;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 unsmooth;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 unstereotypical;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 unsure;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 unsure;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 unsure of what stands for;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 untrustworthy;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 used car salesman;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 utterly substanceless;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 vague;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 vocal;Tim Farron 2017;positive;1 wants to build a better Britain;Tim Farron 2017;uncoded;0 Weak;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 weak;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 weak;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 weak;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 well meaning;Tim Farron 2017;uncoded;0 wet and smarmy;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 who?;Tim Farron 2017;negative;-1 [neutral sign written by participant];Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;neutral;0 [neutral sign written by participant];Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;neutral;0 [positive sign written by participant];Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 academic;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 approachable;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 Both detached from reality, they don't acknowledge the urgency of tackling our still inflating population;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 brave;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 caring;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 caring;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 Caring;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 caring;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 clear and direct;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 committed;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 competent;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 competent debater;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 confident;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;uncoded;0 Conscientious;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 conviction;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 cosy;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;neutral;0 couple;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;neutral;0 courageous;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 do not make an impact;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 doesn't seem to consider other points of view may be valid;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 don't know much about;Jonathan Bartley 2017;uncoded;0 Dull;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 ecology;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 effective;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 Environmentalist;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;neutral;0 Environmentally savvy;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 experiences;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 fair;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 Family;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 feminist;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 for the environment;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 fresh;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 friendly;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;neutral;0 friendly;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;neutral;0 friendly;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 friendly;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 friendly;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 friendly;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 Friendly;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 friendly;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 friendly;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 friendly;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 future thinkers;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 genuine;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 genuine or duplicitous?;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 good team;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 Green;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;neutral;0 Green;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 Green party?;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;neutral;0 happy;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 honest;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;uncoded;0 human rights;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 I don't know who Jonathan Bartley is.;Jonathan Bartley 2017;uncoded;0 idealistic;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;neutral;0 Idealistic;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 in the background;Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 inexperienced;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 integrity;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 integrity;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 intelligent;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 kind;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 kind;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 Know little about her;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 left wing;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 liberal;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 Likely to stand for the right thing even if those around her aren't;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 look confident;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;neutral;0 new;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 nice;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 nice;Jonathan Bartley 2017;positive;1 No political credibility;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 non trustworthy;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 normal;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 normal;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 Normal and Acceptable;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;neutral;0 not passionate enough;Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 open;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 open-minded;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 Opportunistic;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;neutral;0 optimistic;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 optimistic;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 overstates her case at times;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 pair;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;uncoded;0 positive;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 Positive female role model;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 predominance of Caroline;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 pretending;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 principled;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 principled;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 principled;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 principled;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 principled;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 progressive;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 Recognise the need for change;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 relaxed;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 sensible;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;neutral;0 staged photo;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 strange;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;neutral;0 strong;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 sure;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 Team;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 the best the Greens have got;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;neutral;0 thinker;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 together;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;neutral;0 Too perfect;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;neutral;0 trustworthy;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 trustworthy;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 unconvincing;Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 unelectable;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;neutral;0 unique;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;neutral;0 unknown;Jonathan Bartley 2017;negative;-1 unknown;Jonathan Bartley 2017;negative;-1 unrealistic;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 unrealistic;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;uncoded;0 very articulate;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 warm;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 weak;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 weak;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;negative;-1 weird;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;neutral;0 welcoming;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 well meaning;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 Well meaning but impractical and unscientific;Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas 2017;uncoded;0 well-informed;Caroline Lucas 2017;positive;1 [negative sign written by participant];Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 [negative sign written by participant];Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 [positive sign written by participant];Paul Nuttall 2017;positive;1 aggressive;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 agressive;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 anger;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 Angry;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 Angry;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 backward;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 bellend;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 bigoted;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 Brave;Paul Nuttall 2017;positive;1 bullish;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 Bullish;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 bully;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 c*#t;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 certain ideas not workable;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 confident;Paul Nuttall 2017;positive;1 cruel;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 Dangerous;Paul Nuttall 2017;uncoded;0 decent media performer;Paul Nuttall 2017;positive;1 deluded;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 deluded;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 determined;Paul Nuttall 2017;neutral;0 devious;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 disgraceful;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 disgusting- then i would close the article;Paul Nuttall 2017;uncoded;0 dishonest;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 divisive;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 divisive;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 Don't know who he is;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 downward;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 economical with the truth;Paul Nuttall 2017;uncoded;0 exploits misery;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 facist;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 fires of hell - due to the red glow of the lighting;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 glib;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 hateful;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 hateful;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 his pronounced regional ( scouse) accent may appeal;Paul Nuttall 2017;neutral;0 Homophobic;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 idiot;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 idiot;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 ignorant;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 Ignorant;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 incompetent;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 inconspicuous;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 indifferent;Paul Nuttall 2017;neutral;0 irrelevant;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 Irrelevant;Paul Nuttall 2017;neutral;0 irritant;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 Islamaphobic;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 joke;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 judgemental;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 liar;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 liar;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 liar;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 listening;Paul Nuttall 2017;positive;1 loser;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 loyal;Paul Nuttall 2017;positive;1 Misogynistic;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 nazi;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 no image;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 no real policies or intelligence;Paul Nuttall 2017;neutral;0 Normal;Paul Nuttall 2017;positive;1 Normal;Paul Nuttall 2017;positive;1 not a major force as before referendum;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 not as articulate or eloquent as other party leaders;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 Not comfortable;Paul Nuttall 2017;uncoded;0 Not credible;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 ok;Paul Nuttall 2017;positive;1 overbearing;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 racist;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 racist;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 racist;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 racist;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 racist;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 racist;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 racist;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 racist;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 racist;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 racist;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 Right wing;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 right wing;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 Scruffy;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 seems out of his depth;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 self-serving;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 shouty;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 simple;Paul Nuttall 2017;neutral;0 skinhead;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 skinhead;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 stubborn;Paul Nuttall 2017;neutral;0 thankfully hopeless;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 thick;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 This is an out dated picture. I feel good seeing this pic but I don't think like that of him now. Picture above he looks smart and influential going on the pic itself.;Paul Nuttall 2017;uncoded;0 Thug;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 thuggish;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 tosser;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 tries hard to get his point across;Paul Nuttall 2017;positive;1 troublemaker;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 trustworthy;Paul Nuttall 2017;positive;1 trying to be convincing;Paul Nuttall 2017;neutral;0 unapproachable;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 undermined;Paul Nuttall 2017;neutral;0 understanding;Paul Nuttall 2017;positive;1 uneducated;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 unintelligent;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 unpleasant;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 unsmooth;Paul Nuttall 2017;positive;1 untrustworthy;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 various swear words;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 waste of space;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 white supremacy;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 who?;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 working class;Paul Nuttall 2017;positive;1 xenophobic;Paul Nuttall 2017;negative;-1 [negative sign written by participant];Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 [neutral sign written by participant];Nicola Sturgeon 2017;neutral;0 [positive sign written by participant];Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 Ambitious;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;neutral;0 ambitious;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;neutral;0 Angry;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 Annoyed that she is not standing for a different party!;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 approachable;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 approachable;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 best for scotland and its people;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;uncoded;0 breaks promises;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 calm;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 capable;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 caring;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 caring;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 charismatic;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 clear;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;neutral;0 clever;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 clever;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 clever;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 clever;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 combats homophobia;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 combats racism;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 combats transphobia;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 committed;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 committed;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 competent;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 competent;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 competent;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 competent;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 competent;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 conbats poverty;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 confident;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 Confident;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 confident;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 Confident;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;uncoded;0 Confident;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;uncoded;0 conviction;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 dangerous;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 decent;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 destructive;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 determined;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;neutral;0 Determined;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;neutral;0 determined;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 determined;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 determined;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 Determined;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 direct;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 direct;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 Divisive;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 does not listen to other people;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 down to earth;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 efficient and organised;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 experienced;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 fair;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 feisty;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 female;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 Feminist;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 Feminist light;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 fiery;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 fixated;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 Focused;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 focused;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 focussed;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 forceful personality;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 friendly;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 friendly;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 Friendly;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 friendly;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 friendly;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;uncoded;0 future;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 genuine;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;uncoded;0 Girl next door;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 good at her job;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 good speaker;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 great leader;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 happy;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;neutral;0 happy;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 hard worker;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 hard working;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 hate her!;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 Highly competent;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 honest;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 honourable;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 human rights;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 integrity;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 integrity;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 intelligent;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 intelligent;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 intelligent;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 intelligent;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 is disliked by many voters in England;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 kind;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 kind;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;uncoded;0 Lack of foresight;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 leader;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 left wing;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 Likely to stand for the right thing even if those around her aren't;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 looks out for Scottish interests;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 lovely;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 Malignant;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 mummy;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 Nationalist;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 nervous;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;neutral;0 nice;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 Nippy;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 Not in touch;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 not relevant to me;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;neutral;0 obsessed;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 on the ball;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 one track mind;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 only cares about one topic;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 Ordinary background, seems to still be an ordinary person;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 passionate;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 passionate;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 passionate;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 persuasive;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 pie in sky outlook;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 poser;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 positive female role model;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 powerful;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 powerful;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 principled;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 Quiet but steady long-term worker as well;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 relatable;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 relatable;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 Relatively unvarnished and un-stage-managed;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 Rotweiler;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 Scotland;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 scottish;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 separatist;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;neutral;0 set on her goals;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 shrewd;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 sincere;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 Single-minded;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;neutral;0 skilful;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 smart;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 smug;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 Socialist;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 stable;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 States her case forcefully and with passion;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;neutral;0 strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;neutral;0 strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 Strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 strong leader;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 studious;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 tarnished;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 tidy;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 Too fond of blaming the Tories or Westminster for all shortcomings, even when they fall within the remit of the devolved parliament, e.g. health and education;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 Too fond of considering herself a head of state and conflating ( and confusing) the sectarian interests of the SNP with those of Scotland as a nation;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 too fond of resorting to clichéd slogans, e.g. repeated references to the SNP representing the ' voice of Scotland.'- ( although, to be fair, Theresa May is guilty of flogging to death her claim that the Tories represent 'strong and stable leadership.');Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 trustworthy;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 trustworthy;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 trustworthy;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 underlying motives;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 unstereotypical;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 untrustworthy;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 Very knowledgeable;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 voice is very loud grates on people;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;negative;-1 what's what;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;uncoded;0 wily;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 woman;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 women;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;neutral;0 worldly;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 Would put Scotland's needs first;Nicola Sturgeon 2017;positive;1 [neutral sign written by participant];Leanne Wood 2017;neutral;0 [neutral sign written by participant];Leanne Wood 2017;neutral;0 [neutral sign written by participant];Leanne Wood 2017;neutral;0 [positive sign written by participant];Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 A good listener;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 A hard graphter;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 Annoying;Leanne Wood 2017;uncoded;0 attentive;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 attentive;Leanne Wood 2017;uncoded;0 average;Leanne Wood 2017;neutral;0 Builds bridges and will stand in solidarity with others;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 but too small;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 calm;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 careful;Leanne Wood 2017;neutral;0 caring;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 caring;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 caring;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 caring;Leanne Wood 2017;uncoded;0 clear;Leanne Wood 2017;neutral;0 committed;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 confident;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 confused;Leanne Wood 2017;negative;-1 disengaged;Leanne Wood 2017;negative;-1 distracted;Leanne Wood 2017;negative;-1 don't know much about her - but have been impressed at what I've seen.;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 erm - wouldn't recognise. looks like a nice lady though.;Leanne Wood 2017;uncoded;0 feisty;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 Feminist light;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 forgettable;Leanne Wood 2017;negative;-1 friendly;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 friendly;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 good hardwork for her party;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 good speaker;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 Good speaker;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 Have not seen much of the Welsh leader but she speaks well.;Leanne Wood 2017;uncoded;0 highly competent;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 human rights;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 inclusive;Leanne Wood 2017;neutral;0 incompetent;Leanne Wood 2017;negative;-1 incompetent;Leanne Wood 2017;negative;-1 inconspicuous;Leanne Wood 2017;neutral;0 integrity;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 intelligent;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 irrelevant in general politics;Leanne Wood 2017;negative;-1 kind;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 kind;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 kindly;Leanne Wood 2017;uncoded;0 Know little about her;Leanne Wood 2017;negative;-1 knowledgeable;Leanne Wood 2017;neutral;0 knowledgeable;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 Left wing;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 Like an auntie;Leanne Wood 2017;negative;-1 listening;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 Listening;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 listening;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 motherly;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 nationalist;Leanne Wood 2017;negative;-1 Natural;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 nervous;Leanne Wood 2017;negative;-1 nice;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 nice;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 nice;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 No hope;Leanne Wood 2017;neutral;0 no leadership;Leanne Wood 2017;negative;-1 No opinion;Leanne Wood 2017;uncoded;0 No real impression;Leanne Wood 2017;uncoded;0 Normal;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 not a leader;Leanne Wood 2017;negative;-1 open;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 palcid personality;Leanne Wood 2017;neutral;0 passionate;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 patient;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 Personable;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 pleasant;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 positive female role model;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 Quiet;Leanne Wood 2017;neutral;0 sad;Leanne Wood 2017;neutral;0 simplistic;Leanne Wood 2017;negative;-1 Sincere;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 strong;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 strong;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 strong;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 sweet;Leanne Wood 2017;neutral;0 thoughtful;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 thoughtful;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 thoughtful;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 thoughtful;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 trustworthy;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 Unelectable;Leanne Wood 2017;negative;-1 unsmooth;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 unstereotypical;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 unsure;Leanne Wood 2017;negative;-1 Unsure of herself and party image;Leanne Wood 2017;negative;-1 Unsure what she brings to the debates;Leanne Wood 2017;negative;-1 untrustworthy;Leanne Wood 2017;negative;-1 vacant;Leanne Wood 2017;negative;-1 warm;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 weak;Leanne Wood 2017;negative;-1 well informed;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 Welsh;Leanne Wood 2017;neutral;0 woman next door;Leanne Wood 2017;positive;1 women;Leanne Wood 2017;neutral;0