leaderevaluation_text;eval_directed_at;affective_evaluation;numeric_code a little smug;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 almost believes in himself a bit too much;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 an operator;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 annoying;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 arrogant;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 arrogant;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 arrogant;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 arrogant;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 arrogant;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 arrogant;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 Arrogant;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 arrogant;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 austerity;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 authoritative;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 bad for vulnerable people;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 benefit clampdown “ATOS”;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 bitch;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 botoxed;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 bourgeois;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 bully;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 businessman;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 capitalist;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 career politician;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 cocky;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 deluded;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 delusional;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 disingenuous;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 disinterested in real change;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 dispassionate;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 distant from day to day life;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 doesn’t care about others;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 doesn’t understand normal working people;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 duplicitous;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 duplicitous;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 elite;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 elitism;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 Elitist;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 entitled;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 Established;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 Eton;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 Eton;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 Eton Club;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 Eton snob;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 evasive;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 fake;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 false;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 false (totally!);David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 fat cat;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 friendly face of nasty party;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 greedy;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 groomedover groomed;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 head in the clouds;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 hypocrite;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 idealistic;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 ignorant of ordinary people;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 inexperienced;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 insincere;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 insincere;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 insincere;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 insincere;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 insincere;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 insincere;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 kind of arrogance that comes across as negative sometimes;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 lacks depth;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 lacks empathy;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 lacks personality;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 Liar;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 liar;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 liar;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 liars;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 likes to represent the working people of UK (good joke);David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 looks after his own;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 lording;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 manicured;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 manipulative;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 mendacious;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 millionaire and bankers’ friends;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 Millionaire’s friend;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 mistaken;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 morally flexible;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 nontrustworthy;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 not able to alter our bedroom tax;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 not as good as he thinks he is;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 not fussy about the company he keeps (NoW journalists);David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 not in touch;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 not me;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 not to be trusted;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 obnoxious;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 odd;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 oily;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 old boys club;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 once austerity now jovial and fun loving;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 only has on his mind ‘deficit’, economic plan and the old Labour government;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 opinionated;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 out of depth;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 out of place;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 out of touch;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 out of touch;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 out of touch;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 out of touch;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 out of touch;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 out of touch;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 outdated;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 overconfident;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 Oxbridge;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 patronising;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 plastic man;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 populist;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 posh;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 posh;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 posh;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 posh;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 posh boy;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 posh boy Etonian;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 potentially untrustworthy;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 PR industry;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 PR/spin;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 prat;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 privileged;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 privileged;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 privileged;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 privileged circles;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 puppet;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 ran away scared from debate;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 reactive;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 rich;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 rich;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 ruthless;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 ruthless;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 scared;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 scaremonger;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 scripted;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 scripted;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 self serving;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 selfimportant;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 selfish;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 selfish;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 selfserving;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 shady;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 shiny;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 shiny;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 shiny ‘complexion’;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 sleazy;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 slime;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 slimy;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 slimy;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 sly;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 smarmy;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 smarmy;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 smarmy;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 smarmy;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 smarmy;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 smarmy;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 smooth;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 smug;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 smug;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 smug;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 smug;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 smug;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 smug;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 smug;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 smug;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 smug;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 smug;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 smug;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 speaks at people;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 startled/fearful;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 toff;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 too polished, too suave;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 uncaring;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 uncaring;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 under pressure;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 unrelatable;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 unrelatable;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 unscrupulous;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 untrustworthy;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 untrustworthy;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 upper class;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 upper class;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 voice;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 wealthy;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 well prepared;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 wrong;David Cameron 2015 ;negative;-1 a bit full of himself;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 arrogant, a man with a plan;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 articulate, intelligent but a bit too smooth;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 can be attentive;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 charismatic;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 clever;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 confidence;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 confidence/ arrogance;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 confident;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 cypher;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 gentry;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 knows his audience;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 measured;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 more credible as PM than Clegg/Miliband;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 posh;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 posh;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 posh;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 posh;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 posh boy;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 power;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 privileged;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 privileged;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 privileged;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 privileged starting point;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 rich;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 smooth;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 soft Tory;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 statesmanlike;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 thoughtful;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 toff;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 unsure;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 unyielding to change;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 very clever;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 wavering;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 wealthy;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 well educated;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 well meaning buffoon;David Cameron 2015 ;neutral;0 ambitious;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 articulate;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 believes in what he is saying;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 calm;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 calm and composed;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 clean speech ;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 clever;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 clever;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 competent;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 competent;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 competent before coming to office;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 confident;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 confident;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 confident;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 confident leader;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 decisiveness;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 determined;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 dresses well;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 educated;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 fair;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 family man;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 genuine;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 good commentator;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 good debater;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 good leader;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 good speaker;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 good with words, changes his ways;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 got us over the banking crisis;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 hard working;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 he has the country’s best interests at heart;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 he’s working hard to achieve the goals for the good of the country;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 intelligent;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 intelligent;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 intelligent, strong leader;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 justice;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 kind father;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 knowledgeable;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 knows what needs to done;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 leader;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 natural;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 not for me;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 polished;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 positive leader;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 prime ministerial;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 reacts quickly;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 reasonable;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 reliable;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 respect;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 slick;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 Smug. Bit done well. Can’t deny the economic success of his leadership;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 some good ideas;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 statesman;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 statesmanlike;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 statesmanlike;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 strong and assertive;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 strong economy;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 strong leader;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 talks about economy;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 tough;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 tough;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 trustworthy;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 trustworthy;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 well informed;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 word content;David Cameron 2015 ;positive;1 confident;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 creep;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 decisive;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 Decisive;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 Economically driven;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 Evil;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 Fairly right wing;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 Family man;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 Focussed;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 Has no idea of reality of how people live;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 Out of touch with real people;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 Pleasant;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 polished;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 Polite;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 Posh;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 Prime minister material;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 Privileged;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 statesmanlike;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 Stubborn;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 Thatcherite;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 True Tory boy;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 Trying to trick the public (NHS);David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 Untrustworthy;David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 Weak (led by party faithful);David Cameron 2015 ;uncoded;0 False;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 (chameleon);Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 {common ?};Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 “the worst brother”;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 a bit “wet”, some good ideas but lacking in leadership skills;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 a bit awkward in social situations;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 a friendlier version of the man above;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 a tryer;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 a wee bit comical;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 academic;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 Also out of touch;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 annoying ;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 average;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 awkward;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 awkward;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 awkward;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 awkward;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 awkward;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 awkward;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 Awkward;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 awkward;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 bacon sandwich;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 bad public speaker;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 badly scripted;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 Believable;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 believes in better;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 Believes what he says;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 best of a bad bunch – lesser of two evils;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 better than I expected;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 between two minds;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 boring;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 Brave;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 but poor at putting them across;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 calm in debates;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 capable;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 charismatic;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 clever;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 clever;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 committed;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 concerned;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 confident;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 creepy;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 cringing use of language;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 crowd pleaser;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 cut from a Labour cloth;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 david Miliband;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 delusional;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 desperate;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 desperate to please;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 desperate to prove himself;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 determined;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 determined;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 dim;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 disappointment;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 Disingenuous;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 disloyal;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 do gooder;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 Doesn’t look like a leader;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 don’t like his style while speaking;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 don’t see him as prime minister material;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 driven;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 driven;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 earnest;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 easy to make fun of;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 educated;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 egocentric (selfinterest);Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 Ethical;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 fair;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 fake;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 fake;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 Feel cannot be trusted;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 for the people;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 friendly;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 friendly;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 fudge;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 geek;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 geeky;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 geeky;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 geeky;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 gentle;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 George Michael;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 getting stronger;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 good intentioned;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 good memory – mostly;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 good morals;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 good points but doesn’t get them across;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 good talker;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 good track record (IPPR etc);Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 good values;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 goofy;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 got some valid points, (good leader?);Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 growing on me;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 hesitant;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 hollow;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 honest;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 Honest;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 honest;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 hope;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 hopeless;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 how does he think he will get a majority;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 I have no confidence in him;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 I’d have voted for his brother!;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 ideological;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 ideological;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 if I was Prime Minister;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 immature;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 impressive, much more so than DC;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 improving;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 In Union’s pockets;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 incompetent;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 incompetent;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 incongruent;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 indecisive;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 ineffective leader;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 Ineffectual;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 inexperienced;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 insecure;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 insincere;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 Insipid;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 intellectual;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 Intellectual;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 intelligent;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 intelligent;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 intelligent;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 intelligent;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 intelligent;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 intelligent;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 intelligent;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 intelligent;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 intelligent;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 intelligent;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 intelligent;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 kind of the kid in school who didn’t get picked at PE but never really minded;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 lacking confidence;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 lacks character;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 lacks common sense;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 Left wing;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 less popular than his brother?;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 like some policies;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 link back to old Labour;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 looks caring in photo;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 looks false insincere;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 looks lost;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 lost;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 may have socialist values but sold out;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 meandering;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 means well;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 media ‘polished’;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 moderately passionate;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 modern leader pretending to be old school;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 more in touch with the normal people;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 more relatable;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 naïve;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 nasal (sounds like he as a cold);Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 Nasal voice;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 Nervous;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 Nice;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 nice;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 nice but not a leader;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 not a leader;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 Not a leader;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 Not a statesman;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 not believable;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 not challenging enough;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 Not charismatic;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 not credible as PM;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 Not overly charismatic ;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 not trustworthy;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 odd;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 oily;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 opportunistic;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 out of his depth;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 out of touch;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 passionate;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 passionate;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 Passionate to an extent;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 patronising;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 people’s person;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 performance, like image {before} camera;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 playing “catchup”;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 Politically unqualified (leftright awareness);Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 Poor public image;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 portrayed as incapable;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 posh boy;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 posh boy;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 post;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 principled;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 principled;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 principled;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 principled and sincere;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 Probably trustworthy but weak;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 puppet;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 Puppy dog;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 questionable;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 Rather labour than anyone else;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 robot;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 ruthless;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 ruthless (brother);Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 sadly likes bacon sandwiches (what a gaffe!);Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 salesman (poor);Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 scripted;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 Scripted ;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;0 seems like a nice guy;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 seems to speak with deliberation;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 serious;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 sincere;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 sincere but short on charisma;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 slightly awkward;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 slightly pitiful;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 Slimy;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 slimy;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 smarmy;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 smarmy;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 Smug;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 social;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 socialist;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 socially awkward;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 socially clueless;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 soft;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 some good policy ideas but not a likeable character;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 speech impediment;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 spineless;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 strong;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 strong (stands up for himself);Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 suggestible;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 suspicions – ious;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 thoughtful;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 thoughtful;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 timid;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 timid;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 too rehearsed;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 too socialist;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 too young;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 tries hard;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 Tries to hard to sound reasonable but seems to lack real conviction;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 tries too hard;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 trying hard;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 trying too hard;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 trying too hard to prove intentions;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 twat;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 unaffected;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 unbearable;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 unbelievable;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 uncertain;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 unconvincing;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 Unconvincing;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 undecided;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 underdog;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 understand what needs to be done;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 unintelligent;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 unpolished;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 unreliable;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 unsure of himself;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 unsure of himself;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 untrustworthy;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 Untrustworthy;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 using a persona – not genuine;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 voice and intonation;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 Wallace and Gromit;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 Wants to be something he isn’t;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 warm hearted;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 weak;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 weak;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 weak;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 weak;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 weak;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 weak;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 weak leader;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 weak leadership;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 well meaning;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 well meaning;Ed Milliband 2015;positive;1 well meaning buffoon;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 Wellmeaning;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 wet;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 wet;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 wet fish;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 wishes he was his brother;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 wooden;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;0 Would consider Labour if Miliband not leader;Ed Milliband 2015;neutral;0 wrong Miliband;Ed Milliband 2015;negative;-1 “I’m sorry” song;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 “sold out”;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 a bit boring and bland;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 a bit nothingly;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 an example of the Peter principle;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 apologetic;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 archetypal Lib Dem;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 articulate but indecisive;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 backstabbing;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 balanced;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 balanced;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 balances the main parties;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 believes he does the right thing;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 bland;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 bowing;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 broken promises;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 can contradict himself;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 can contradict himself;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 caring;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 clever;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 Coalition;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 comfortable;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 confused;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 cowardish;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 deluded;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 desperate;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 destroyed the party;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 eager to please;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 earnest but ineffectual;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 easy going;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 easy going;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 embarrassment;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 engages audience;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 fairly decisive but no longer trustworthy;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 fallen figure;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 flipflopper;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 friendly;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 friendly;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 friendly;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 good communicator;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 good speaker;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 good speaker;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 hard working;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 has a heart;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 has firm ideas and {};Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 he’s a bit fake for my liking;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 honest;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 hypocrite;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 insincere;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 insincere;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 integrity;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 intelligent;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 intelligent;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 irrelevant;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 irrelevant;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 irrelevant;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 jocular;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 kind;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 knows will be in coalition;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 kowtowing;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 lacks conviction;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 letdown;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 liar;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 Liar;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 liar;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 Liar;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 Liar;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 liberal;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 lightweight;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 likeable;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 lost;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 lost;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 malleable;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 needs a colourful tie or something;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 needs more backbone;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 nice guy;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 no credibility;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 nondescript;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 normal guy;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 not assertive enough;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 not convinced he really wants to be in politics;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 not to be trusted;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 not trustworthy;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 opportunist;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 opportunistic;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 opportunistic;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 out of himself;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 out of his political depth;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 over promoted;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 overshadowed;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 party poor match as coalition;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 passionate about issues;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 peaked in 2010;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 people pleaser;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 power hungry;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 principled;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 quite a charmer. Naturally funny;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 realistic;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 realistic;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 reformer;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 relatable;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 relatively normal;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 repentant;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 repentant;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 repentant (tuition fees);Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 resilient;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 scripted;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 seems very much like an undecided vote;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 shallow;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 should step down;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 sidelined;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 slimy;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 slippery;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 slippery;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 smarmy;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 smarmy;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 smarmy;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 smug;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 smug;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 sold out;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 soundbite;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 spineless;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 spineless;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 spineless;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 stressed;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 sure of himself;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 talks too much about coalitions;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 tarnished;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 too nice;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 too power hungry;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 tuition fees;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 tuition fees;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 underachieving;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 unhappy;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 uninteresting;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 unlikely to make next year as leader;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 unprincipled;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 unreliable – wavers nearest point of opinion;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 untrustworthy;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 upper class;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 useless;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 very clever;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 weak;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 weak;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 weak;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 weak;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 weak;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 weak;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 welcoming, relaxed;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 well meaning;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 well presented;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 well spoken;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 window dressing;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 would be a good leader of the country;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 young;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0  Compromise too far – tuition fees;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 ’wannabe’;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 A ‘sit on the fence’ character;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;1 a bit ‘vanilla’;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 a nice guy;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 begrudging respect for his EU policies;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 bland;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 Bland;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 Brave;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 charismatic;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 closer to understanding day to day life;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 comfortable;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 compromise;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 Content always sounds positive and fair but always sound unrealitistic;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 desperate;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 desperate;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 desperate;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 Didn’t stick to his words!;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 Dispassionate;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 distant;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 Do not like policies but feel that he interviews well;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 eloquent;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 enjoying power;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 equalizes;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 fades into background;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 False;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 floundering;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 follower;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 friendly;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 Friendly;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 fudge;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 Has been a lap dog in the coalition;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 honest;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 How much power has he?;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 hypocrite;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 I assume he has a good job lined up?;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 idiot;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 in a shadow;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 indecisive;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 Ineffectual hanger on;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 insincere;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 insincere;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 intelligent but meek;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 power hungry;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 irrelevant;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 irrelevant;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 Is not afraid of the media and has performed well on LBC on a weekly basis;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 just happy to be ‘in power’ with any party;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 lack of direction;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 Lack of ideas;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 lacks convictions;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 lapdog;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 Latches on;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 let down;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 Liar;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 lied on tuition fees and many other things;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 lightweight;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 like some policies;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 likeable;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 loser;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 lost;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 nice guy;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 not ideologically sound;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 Not robust enough;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 Not strong enough to lead;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 opportunistic;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 Policies too wooly;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 Polished;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 power hungry;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 power hungry liar;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 privileged;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 safe;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 scatty;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 sellout;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 smooth;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 smug;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 solid;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 spineless;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 spineless;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 still principled;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 Suave;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 sweet;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 tired;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 too ‘liberal’;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 Too polished;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 Trying too hard;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 unable to keep promises;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 unconvincing;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 Unknown – hidden;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 unlucky;Nick Clegg 2015;neutral;0 untrustworthy;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 weak;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 weak;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 weak;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 weak;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 welcoming;Nick Clegg 2015;positive;1 Well meaning;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 Wellmeaning;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 Who?;Nick Clegg 2015;uncoded;0 young/inexperienced;Nick Clegg 2015;negative;-1 Admits to ‘gut feelings’ as important decision makers;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 all things to all people;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 ambitious;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 approachable;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 approachable;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 articulate;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 articulate;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 believable;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 brave;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 clear, integrity;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 clever;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 clever;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 clever;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 collaborator;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 committed;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 competent;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 concise and clear;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 confident;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 confident;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 confident;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 confident;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 convinced;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 convincing;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 credible;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 different;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 down to earth;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 driven;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 encourages feminist aspirations;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 feisty;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 firm;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 focused;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 focused;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 focussed;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 for the people;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 forceful campaign;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 formidable;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 Formidable;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 formitable;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 forthright;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 friendly;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 friendly;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 good for Scotland;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 good leader;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 good leadership;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 good presenter;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 great speaker;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 happy;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 hard;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 hard;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 hard working;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 honest;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 I know her name and that’s it.;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 Impressive;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 in touch;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 informed;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 inspiring;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 integrity;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 intelligent;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 intelligent;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 intelligent;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 intelligent;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 intelligent;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 knowledgeable;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 likeable;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 makes me wish I was Scottish;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 manipulative;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 manipulative;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 most impressive;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 not interested;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 ok;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 passionate;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 passionate;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 passionate;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 patriotic;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 patriotic;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 personable, affectionate;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 persuasive;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 political machine;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 popular;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 powerful;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 powerful;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 principled;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 principled;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 progressive;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 quick witted;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 relatable and a bit gritty;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 relatively honest;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 reliable;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 riding momentum;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 ruthless;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 Scottish;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 selfassured;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 sincere;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 sincere;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 smarty;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 strong leader;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 strong woman;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 tenacious;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 tenacious;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 true to her convictions;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 up to date;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 usually presents herself and her policies with grace and eloquence. ;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 very ambitious;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 very competent;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 very confident;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 very professional;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 wants what’s best for her people someone you can trust;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 warmth;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 well spoken;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 well spoken;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 A bad potential leader for England;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 a people person;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 a threat to England and UK;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 Abrasive;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 admirable;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 aggressive;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 aggressive;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 aggressive;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 aggressive;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 agitator;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 Anti-English;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 arrogant;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 articulate;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 articulate;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 articulate;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 authoritative;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 backtracks;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 brash;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 Bully;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 businesslike;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 calculating;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 calm;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 Cannot stand this person;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 canny;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 caring;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 challenging;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 childless;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 chippy;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 clarity;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 clear;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 clever;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 clueless;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 compassionate;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 compassionate;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 confident;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 confident;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 confident (two sides of the same coin);Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 conviction;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 crowd pleaser;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 Dangerous;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 determined;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 don’t know enough about Sturgeon to really comment but every time I see her I see wee Jimmy Krankie LOL;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 Don’t know much about;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 Duplicitous;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 Dynamic;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 Evangelical;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 fair;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 fantastic speaker;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 Far too preoccupied with Scotland;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 feisty;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 for the people;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 forceful;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 forward thinking;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 friendly;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 Friendly;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 genuine;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 goes back on her word;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 goes back on her word;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 good leader;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 happy;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 hard worker;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 Has not been cross examined enough in most debates;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 has vision;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 hell bent on independence;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 iconoclastic;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 inspiring;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 intelligent;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 irritating;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 kingmaker;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 know it all;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 knowledgeable;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 lying;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 may be over promising;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 moderately progressive;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 nationalist;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 nationalist;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 Not sure who this is;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 not to be trusted;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 not trustworthy;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 obsessive;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 only has Scottish interests at heart;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 opinionated;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 over ambitions;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 passionate;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 passionate;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 passionate;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 Passionate ;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 passionate about the role;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 pocket rocket!;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 poisoned (by others);Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 Poor leadership (esp economically);Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 powerful;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 Powerful;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 probably most charismatic leader;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 progressive;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 Proper party leader;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 Relatable;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 rude;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 rude;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 ruthless;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 safe;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 Salmond’s lapdog;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 satisfied;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 scheming;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 scheming;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 Scottish;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 seems relatively normal!;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 separatist;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 shouldn’t be gaining this much attention;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 single minded;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 sly;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 small minded;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 smart;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 smart;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 smug;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 Someone I am not sure about;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 speaks to people;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 Speaks well but comes across as rather unnegotable and dogmatic;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 straight talking;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 strong leader;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 Strong personality;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 Strong powerful woman;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 strong woman;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 tactical;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 too angry to get my vote;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 too good to be true;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 too nationalistic;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 too nationalistic;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 toxic ;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 trouble;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 try too hard to please everyone;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 unrealistic;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 untrustworthy;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 untrustworthy;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 very self confident;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 Very sure of herself;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 very typical Scottish;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 wants independence for Scotland;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 wily;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;positive;1 wily;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 wish she was on another party;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;neutral;0 Would be a good leader of Scotland;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;uncoded;0 wouldn’t trust;Nicola Sturgeon 2015;negative;-1 ?;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 boring;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 confused (politically);Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 don’t know ?;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 don’t know much about her!;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 doubting;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 flaky financial plans;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 lacks character;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 narrow minded;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 not made an impression on me;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 not trustworthy;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 not well known;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 not well known;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 repetitive;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 seems too Welsh centric;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 shallow;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 silly;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 talks about Wales not about UK;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 timid;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 timid;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 too anti austerity;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 too nationalist;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 too nationalistic;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 unsure as to why she is in the elections;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 weak;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 ?;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 ?;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 ?who;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 a mystery;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 appears to be very listenable;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 approachable;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 approachable;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 approachable;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 articulate;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 articulate;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 assertive;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 believes in her policies;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 Bennett;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 Borgen strong;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 businesslike – professional;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 busy, looks like she has other places to be ;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 but too small;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 calm;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 Can only represent Wales;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 caring;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 caring;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 challenging;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 clear;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 clear thinking;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 clever;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 committed;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 competent;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 confident;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 confident;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 confident;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 Confident;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 cool;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 cool and collected;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 Does not stand out;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 don’t (quite) understand her;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 Don’t know;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 don’t know anything about her;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 Don’t know much about;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 Don’t really know who she is or much about Wales;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 fair;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 female;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 feminist;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 Friendly;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 gentle;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 getting more confident;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 Good representation – female and Wales;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 Good speaker, but not positive or strong enough;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 headmistress;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 honest;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 honest;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 I honestly don’t know very much about her;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 improving;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 indifferent;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 interesting;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 irrelevant to me;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 know nothing about her so general consensus would be not strong enough;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 left;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 Left wing;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 less confident Sturgeon;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 like an auntie!;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 local;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 naïve;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 Naïve;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 natural;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 never heard her speak;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 nice;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 nice;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 nice;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 Nice;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 No idea;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 No impression;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 no profile/ visibility;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 No strong feelings about her either way;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 nondescript;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 not a threat;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 not relevant;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 not seen much of her;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 not special;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 Not sure who this is;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 not well known;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 not well known;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 of no importance;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 Once again, couldn’t really comment. I don’t even recall her name;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 one of the people;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 ordinary;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 outsider to main parties;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 parochial;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 passionate;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 passionate(ish);Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 patriotic;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 Pleasant;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 pointless;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 poised;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 practical;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 principled;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 professional;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 promoting different voices from the UK;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 respectful;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 shy/reserved;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 simple;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 sincere;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 sincere;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 sincere;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 sincere;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 smart;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 soothing voice;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 speaks to people;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 straightforward;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 strong;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 strong;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 strong;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 strong;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 strong;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 strong woman;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 strongish;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 trustworthy;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 trying to look serious;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 Unaware of her at all;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 uninformed;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 unknown;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 unknown;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 unknown;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 unrecognizable;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 uses the word ‘austerity’ a lot;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 valleys;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 very strong debater also wants what’s best for her people;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 wants the best for Wales;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 warm;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 warm;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 warm;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 weaker arguments;Leanne Wood 2015;negative;-1 well spoken;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 wellspoken;Leanne Wood 2015;positive;1 Welsh;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 Welsh;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 Welsh;Leanne Wood 2015;uncoded;0 Welsh ??;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 who?;Leanne Wood 2015;neutral;0 ?;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 {energy} sustainable planet;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 A bit stilted;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 -a shame she doesn’t represent the party well – which has good ideas;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 -a voice for a party who are outdated;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 -annoying;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 Aussie;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 -Australian;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 awkward;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 -bad politician;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 believable;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 believes in what she is saying;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 Blinded by good intentions;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 -brash;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 Bumbling;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 but sincere;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 capable;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 caring;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 certain;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 clueless;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 committed;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 committed to her cause;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 confident;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 -confused;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 confused and disorganised;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 -could have a stronger character;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 cuckoo;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 Difficult to listen to ;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 distracted;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 doesn’t inspire confidence in me;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 Don’t know much about this candidate or the policies she stands for;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 Don’t like her face;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 eccentric;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 empathic;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 English;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 enthusiastic;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 environment;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 Ethical ;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 fair;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 Farage;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 Feel a little sorry for her;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 feministic;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 financially clueless;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 flaky financial plans;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 following;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 for the environment!;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 for the people;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 free;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 gave a dreadful debate on LBC;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 genuine;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 getting better;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 Go Green;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 good for the future;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 good ideas, can she put it into practice;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 good morals, not sure how to get there;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 Green;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 Green issues;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 hard;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 Has head in the clouds policies;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 hippy;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 Hippy;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 homegrown;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 Honest;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 i dont know enough to form an opinion;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 I want her to be better than she is – she disappoints me;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 idealist;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 idiot;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 ignored;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 immigration {};Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 in the news?;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 inarticulate;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 ineffective;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 interrupts;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 irrelevant;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 liberal;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 like what the greens stand for ;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 limited knowledge of her own party;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 looks in control;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 looks lost;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 lost in her job;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 low profile except for radio interview cock up;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 mad;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 metropolitan;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 naive;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 nervous / anxious;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 never heard her speak;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 nice;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 Nice;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 no charisma;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 no major opinion;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 No opinion generally;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 no real impression;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 non entity;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 nondescript;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 nondescript;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 normal;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 not a good speaker;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 not a party leader;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 not a very strong candidate;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 not able to connect;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 not always well informed;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 Not authoritative;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 not Caroline Lucas;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 not competent;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 not dependable;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 not focused on the outcome of the election;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 not good public speaker;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 not Patrick Harvie;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 not ready;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 not recognisable;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 Not sure who this is;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 not taken that seriously;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 not thought through policies;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 not too sure;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 not trustworthy;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 not up to the standard of Caroline Lucas;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 open;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 optimistic;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 out of depth;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 out of her depth;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 out of her depth;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 out of touch;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 passionate;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 passionate;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 passionate;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 passionate about environmental issues;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 places her desire for ‘good’ things in society above the critical choices before the electorate;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 poor arguments;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 poor communicator ;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 poor leader;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 poor public speaker;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 poor public speaker;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 population denier;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 population denier;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 potential;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 principled;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 principled;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 principled;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 principled;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 principled;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 principled;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 principled;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 progressive;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 promising;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 quiet;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 Reactionary;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 rude;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 second rater;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 seems too far in the background for me to care who she is;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 sincere;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 sincere;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 sincere;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 single issue;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 sometimes not articulate;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 sounds nervous, {stunned} rabbit;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 speaks quite well;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 stands by her views;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 stern;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 sticks to beliefs;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 still learning;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 stressed;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 strong;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 struggling;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 struggling to move to mass appeal;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 talks too much about Green issues;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 unattractive;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 uncertain;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 uncharacteristic;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 unconfident;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 Unconvincing;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 underqualified;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 underqualified;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 unfinished;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 unfortunate;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 unheard;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 uninspiring;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 unknown;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 Unlikely to lead well;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 unrealistic;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 unrealistic;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 Unrealistic;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 unrealistic policies;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 unreliable;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 unsure of her ability to debate;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 useless;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 vocal;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 weak;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 weak;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 weak;Natalie Bennet 2015;uncoded;0 well informed (knows her stuff);Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 well meaning;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 well meaning;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 well meaning;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 well-meaning;Natalie Bennet 2015;positive;1 who?;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 wishy washy;Natalie Bennet 2015;negative;-1 would be a wasted vote;Natalie Bennet 2015;neutral;0 “Charmer”;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 “Mr. Toad!”;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 + - got some valid points (EU?);Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 a bit annoying;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 a joke;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 a threat to everything good in UK;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 affable;Nigel Farage 2015;neutral;0 aggressive;Nigel Farage 2015;neutral;0 Aggressive, says it like it is;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 amusing;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 angry;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 Answers a straight question with an answer;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 appeals to people’s worst instincts;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 argumentative;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 arrogant;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 arrogant;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 arrogant;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 articulate;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 articulate;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 astute;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 Attacks Scottish people;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 attention seeking;Nigel Farage 2015;neutral;0 Australian points system on immigration;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 awful;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 awkward;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 beer;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 Beer;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 beer;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 Best speaker;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 bigot;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 bigot;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 bigoted;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 blasé ;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 blinkered;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 blinkered;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 blunt;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 brave;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 brings all back to immigration;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 buffoon;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 bumbling;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 calm;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 can see why people would support;Nigel Farage 2015;neutral;0 Can you trust him though – the jury is out!;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 car salesman;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 certain;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 chancer;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 character;Nigel Farage 2015;neutral;0 character;Nigel Farage 2015;neutral;0 character;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 characterful;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 characterful;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 charismatic;Nigel Farage 2015;neutral;0 charismatic;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 Charismatic;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 chauvinist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 clarity;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 clear analyzer;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 clever;Nigel Farage 2015;neutral;0 clever;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 clever, passionate but I would never vote for him;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 clueless;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 clueless;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 comedy figure;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 comparable to Jeremy Clarkson;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 concerned;Nigel Farage 2015;neutral;0 confident;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 confident;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 confused;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 controversial;Nigel Farage 2015;neutral;0 crass;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 cringy;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 dangerous;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 dangerous;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 dangerous;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 Dangerous;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 defends armed forces;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 deluded;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 deluded;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 deluded;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 delusional;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 delving for power;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 determined;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 dim;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 direct, to the point;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 Disingenuous;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 divisive;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 divisive;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 Do not want to see – makes my skin crawl;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 doesn’t look like he knows what he is doing;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 Doesn’t seem to live in the real world;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 drinker;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 drinks too much;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 dumb;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 Easy to listen to and very persuasive however putting into practice some of the policies he speaks about would be dangerous.;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 Eloquent;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 evil;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 expressionless;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 extremist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 Face like a toad/newt;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 fake;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 Fake;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 fake image;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 fascist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 fascist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 for al his faults he does come across as a genuine bloke;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 fraudulent;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 Friendly;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 frightening;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 frogfaced;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 funny;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 funny;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 funny;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 good speaker;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 good with media;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 got some valid points (EU?);Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 happy to be sponsored by cigarette and beer companies;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 hard to believe he believes what he says;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 has his own interests at the core of all policies;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 hateful;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 he makes me violently angry;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 honest;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 honest;Nigel Farage 2015;postive;1 horrible;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 horrible ideas;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 horrible man;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 hypocrite;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 hypocrite;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 hypocrite;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 I kind of feel like he’s a bit of a guilty pleasure;Nigel Farage 2015;neutral;0 I like his style but I am unlikely to ever vote for UKIP;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 idiot;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 idiot;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 idiot;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 idiot;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 idiot;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 ignorant;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 ill informed;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 in touch with his supporters;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 inconsistent;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 indifferent, no lasting impression;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 inhumane;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 insincere;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 insincere;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 insincere;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 Insincere;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 insulting;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 intelligent;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 isolated;Nigel Farage 2015;neutral;0 Janus;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 Judgemental;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 Leading a disillusioned following;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 liar;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 looks like a frog;Nigel Farage 2015;neutral;0 loud mouth;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 manipulative;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 manipulative;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 manipulator;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 mean;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 measured;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 Media appear to be very negative towards him;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 Mixes with real people;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 more in touch with the public;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 No concept of funding / monetary matters;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 no policies;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 odd;Nigel Farage 2015;neutral;0 offering in/out referendum;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 oh dear…;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 oily;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 old fashioned;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 One trick pony;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 open;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 opportunist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 opportunist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 opportunistic;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 opportunistic;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 out of EU ? What’s in its place;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 out of touch;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 Outdated;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 outspoken;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 outspoken;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 panders to scapegoating;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 party values unpleasant;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 patriot;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 personable (presentable);Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 pin cushion;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 plays on nationalism and fear;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 plonker;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 Poor judgement;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 populist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 poses a threat;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 posh;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 possibly alcoholic;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 possibly racist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 prat;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 prejudiced;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 preying on fear;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 principled;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 privileged;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 Promoting racism;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 propagandist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 pub;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 pub bore;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 racist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 racist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 racist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 racist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 racist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 racist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 racist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 racist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 racist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 racist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 racist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 racist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 racist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 Racist;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 reactionary;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 realistic about EU;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 realistic about state of economy;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 recognisable;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 regressive policies;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 relatable, yet a bit simple;Nigel Farage 2015;neutral;0 reprehensible;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 Represents the working man better than others;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 reptilian;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 Ruthless;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 says “UKIP army”;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 says what he thinks not what his party have scripted him to say;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 scaremonger;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 scaremonger;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 scaremongering;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 scary;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 scary;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 scary;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 Seems honest enough though.;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 selfimportant;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 selfinterested;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 separatist;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 sinister;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 sleazy;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 slightly radical;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 slimy;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 slimy;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 slimy;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 smarmy;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 smarmy;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 smoker;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 smooth operator;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 smug;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 smug;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 smug;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 smug;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 smug;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 smug;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 speaks very well;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 strength of character;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 strong leader;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 Strong willed;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 stupid;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 supported by media;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 suspicious of him;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 thoughtful;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 Too right wing;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 transparent;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 trustworthy;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 try hard;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 trying to be peoples’ politician and appeal to undecided voters;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 Trying too hard;Nigel Farage 2015;neutral;0 Twat;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 twat!!;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 ugly;Nigel Farage 2015;neutral;0 unbelievable!;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 uncompassionate;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 uninformed;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 unknown/untested;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 unlikeable;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 unpleasant;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 unrealistic;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 unreliable despite pub photos etc;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 untrustworthy;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 untrustworthy;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 used car salesman;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 uses everyday language not political rhetoric;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 very good communicator;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 very right wing;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 vice;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 views can be extreme;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 waste of time;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 weak;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 Wealthy;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 well known;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 well known;Nigel Farage 2015;neutral;0 well spoken;Nigel Farage 2015;positive;1 without compassion;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 Working man who sometimes tries too hard to look “normal”;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0 worryingly passionate;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 would take the country down should be gain power;Nigel Farage 2015;negative;-1 You know what you are getting;Nigel Farage 2015;uncoded;0