leader-evaluation_text;eval_directed_at;affective_evaluation;numeric_code agent of the uber rich individuals and corporations ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 arrogant ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 arrogant ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 arrogant ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 biased ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 calm ;David Cameron 2014;positive;1 confident ;David Cameron 2014;positive;1 Conservative ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 conservative ;David Cameron 2014;positive;1 deluded ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 despicable ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 distant from everyday people’s reality ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 do not buy a car from this man! ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 duplicitous;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 elite, bullingdon boy ;David Cameron 2014;neutral;0 entitled ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 establishment figure ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 establishment ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 everything I hate ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 everything negative, hate this man ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 evil ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 for profit ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 Greedy Torys ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 industrious ;David Cameron 2014;positive;1 inhumane ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 killer ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 liar ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 liar ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 malleable (especially to UKIP) and businesses ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 millionaire ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 money-driven ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 no comparison ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 non-understanding of people’s everyday lives ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 not representative ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 oily ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 Only a PR man ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 out of touch ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 out of touch ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 out of touch ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 out of touch ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 out of touch ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 party politics ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 posh and smug ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 posh boy ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 power-hungry ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 privileged ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 privileged ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 professional politician ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 represents business over people;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 rich ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 self-important ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 self-serving ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 self-serving ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 self-serving ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 shallow ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 sickening ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 slimy ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 smug ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 smug ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 smug ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 strong, making the best of a bad situation ;David Cameron 2014;positive;1 Tory ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 trying ;David Cameron 2014;positive;1 twat! ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 ultra sensitive ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 Unaccountable ;David Cameron 2014;uncoded;0 uncaring ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 uncaring ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 unconcerned ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 uneducated despite background ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 unpleasant ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 unprincipled ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 vacillating ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 vile;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 vile ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 waffler ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 weak ;David Cameron 2014;negative;-1 well educated ;David Cameron 2014;positive;1 well presented ;David Cameron 2014;positive;1 aloof ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 ambitious ;Ed Miliband 2014;neutral;-1 background ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 badly represented ;Ed Miliband 2014;neutral;0 betrays working class party values ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 bit too socialist for me ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 bland ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 bland ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;1 careerist ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;1 champagne socialist ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 clueless ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;1 Conservative ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 does not represent working class ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 epitome of professional politician ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 establishment ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 fool ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 good guy! ;Ed Miliband 2014;positive;1 horrible wet mouth ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 idiot ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 ineffective ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 ineffectual ;Ed Miliband 2014;uncoded;0 insincere ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 lacks a clear ideology ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 lacks charisma, popular appeal ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 lacks presence ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 managerial ;Ed Miliband 2014;neutral;0 millionaire ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 nice ;Ed Miliband 2014;positive;1 nondescript ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 not representative ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;1 optimistic ;Ed Miliband 2014;neutral;0 out of his depth ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 out-of-depth ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 party politics – let down people ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 poor leader ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 posh boy ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 Pro-Europe ;Ed Miliband 2014;positive;1 professional politician ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 puppet ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 Red Tory let the Labour Party down and the working class people ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 red Tory millionaire ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 red Tory ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 shallow ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 spineless ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 struggling ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 supersedes SLab ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 traitorous ;Ed Miliband 2014;uncoded;0 tries hard;Ed Miliband 2014;positive;1 tries hard ;Ed Miliband 2014;positive;1 tries to engage, but lacks communication finesse ;Ed Miliband 2014;neutral;0 Trying hard to please ;Ed Miliband 2014;uncoded;0 trying to bring about change ;Ed Miliband 2014;positive;1 unaware (oblivious) ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 unconvincing ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 unconvincing ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 undecisive ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 unoriginal ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 unreliable, mockery (media), confused ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 useless;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 useless ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 vacillating ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 victimised ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 Wallace and Gromit-like ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 waste of space ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 weak ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 weak ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 well-meaning ;Ed Miliband 2014;positive;1 without ideas ;Ed Miliband 2014;negative;-1 ‘Yes’ man ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 “kingmaker turned court jester” ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 A weed does not have any backbone. Has lost the Lib Dem party ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 balance to Cameron ;Nick Clegg 2014;neutral;0 bit of a wet blanket ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 bland, unprofessional, finished ;Nick Clegg 2014;neutral;0 coward ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 defends Henderson’s Relish! ;Nick Clegg 2014;positive;1 drug policy ;Nick Clegg 2014;positive;1 duplicitous ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 duplicitous ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 establishment ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 forgetful ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 idiotic ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 incredible ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 liar ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 means well ;Nick Clegg 2014;positive;1 millionaire ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 nae chance ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 not open enough – unclear about his agenda ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 not representative ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 not trustworthy ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 Not trustworthy ;Nick Clegg 2014;uncoded;1 opportunist ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 opportunist ;Nick Clegg 2014;neutral;0 optimistic ;Nick Clegg 2014;positive;1 out of depth ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 pitiable ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 posh boy ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 power hungry ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 power over people ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 power-hungry ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 powerless ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 professional politician ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 puppet ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 question time manner ;Nick Clegg 2014;positive;1 sellout ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 sell-out ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 servile ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 SNP ;Nick Clegg 2014;positive;1 soul-selling ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 spineless ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 struggling ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 third wheel ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 traitor ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 tries to be all things to all people ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 turncoat ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 two-faced ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 unemployed at next election;Nick Clegg 2014;positive;1 uninvested ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 unreliable ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 untrustworthy ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 useless ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 useless ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 useless ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 victimised ;Nick Clegg 2014;neutral;-1 victimised ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;0 weak ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 weak ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 weak ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 weak, yellow ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 who am I? ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 wimp ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 yes man ;Nick Clegg 2014;negative;-1 bitter and dangerous!;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;negative;-1 capable ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 Cares for all Scotland but hope that she manages to control her stated wishes as they will be held against her ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;uncoded;0 cares ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 caring ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 change from Salmond ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;neutral;0 clever ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 competent ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 confused;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 confused;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;neutral;0 connects with people ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 contrary ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;neutral;0 deceitful ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;negative;-1 decent ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 determined ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 determined ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 don't actually know anything about her ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;neutral;0 engaged ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 fair ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 feisty ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 fiery ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 fiery ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;neutral;0 first woman First Minister ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 focus on gender ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;neutral;0 forward looking ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 genuine ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 genuine ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 hardworking ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 hardworking ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 highly intelligent and articulate ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 honest ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 honest ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 inclusive ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 inspiring ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 intelligent ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 Intelligent ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;uncoded;0 irritating ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;negative;-1 left-leaning ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 left-wing ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 modern ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 more empathetic ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 nationalist ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;negative;-1 new future ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 optimism ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 optimistic ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;uncoded;0 passionate ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 people person ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 Peoples person will do a great job for Scotland as We EK has trained her but she has her own policies;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 positive ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 positive ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 possibly has the best of intentions ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;neutral;0 principled ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 privy council member now ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;negative;-1 realistic ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;neutral;0 referendum soon? ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 respect ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 respected ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 riding wave of optimism;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;neutral;0 sending mixed signals ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;negative;-1 SNP ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;neutral;0 SNP ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 straight-talker ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 strong ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;neutral;0 strong ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 strong ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 strong ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 struggle goes on ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 the woman to take Scotland to indi;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 trustworthy ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 unknown quantity ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;neutral;0 unreliable;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 unreliable;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;neutral;0 wants what’s best for Scotland ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 woman ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 works for Scotland ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1 worthy ;Nicola Sturgeon 2014;positive;1