leader-evaluation_text;eval_directed_at;affective_evaluation;numeric_code ‘bigot’ comment;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Ambitious for self   ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 angry  ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Arrogant  ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Aspergers  ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Autocrat  ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 awkward;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 backtracking  ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Bad communicator;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 bad tempered;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 beleaguered;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Blunt ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Boring;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Boring;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Boring;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 bossy;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 bullied;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Claims to be shy!   ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Clumsy  ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 cold   ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 confused   ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 consigned to failure;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Constructed photo   ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Cowardly;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 creepy smile;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Deceitful ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 desperate   ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 disappointing;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Disappointment;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 disenchanted;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 dour;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Downtrodden;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Dull;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Dull;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Dull  ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 economy;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Experienced ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Failure  ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 False;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 false smile;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 False  ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Fat;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 flawed;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 fumble in media terms;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Glossy façade Image ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 grinning maniacally;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 having to pretend to appeal to people  ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 impatient;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 inarticulate ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 incompetent;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 incomplete promises;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Indecisive ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 insincere;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Insincere  ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Jaded  ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 lack of charisma;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Lack of people skills  ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 least vitality   ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 less socialist than people expected;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Liar;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Liar;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Liar;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Lonely ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 longevity (amount of time in government) ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 looks shifty;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Managed the economy for a long time ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Mistakes;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Most unlikely PM  ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 no media skills   ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 no people skills;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Non-elected;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Not as charismatic as Blair   ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 not best labour leader;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Not confident ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Old;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 old  ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 old news;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Out of ideas ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Out of touch;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Out of touch;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 past it;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Patronising ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Pompous  ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Power hungry ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Pragmatist   ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 pressure   ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 sad;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 self-deluded especially financially;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 sententious   ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Smarmy;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Smarmy;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Smug ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Soft ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 spin;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Staid ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 strong   ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Tired;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Tired;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Tired;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Tired;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Tired;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Tired;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 tired.;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 told to smile ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Tony Blair   ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 too slow;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 true politician;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 trust;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 two-faced;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Unable to smile ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 uncharismatic;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Uncomfortable;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Uncomfortable;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 under pressure   ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Under pressure  ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 underwhelming passive;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 unfortunate;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 unhappy   ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Uninspired;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 unlucky;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 unlucky;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Wants to be liked ;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 war;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Warlike;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Weak;Gordon Brown 2010;negative;-1 Afraid   ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Assured ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Autocrat ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 bear;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Calculating;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Calculating;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Caring;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Caring;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Caring;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Cheerful;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 clever  ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Clever   ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 competent;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 competent;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Cuddly ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 decisive;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 doesn’t glamorise politics ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 economically aware  ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 economics geek  ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Education  ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 ethical (tries to be but may lose it);Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Ex-chancellor;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Experience;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Experience;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Experience;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Experienced ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 fair;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 fairness  ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Family   ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 feel sorry for him;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 good leader ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 good willed;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 had a hard time  ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Hard worker;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Hard working;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 hard working      ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Hard-working    ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 has done some good while in power;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 honest;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 honest;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 honest ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 human;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Human ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 intelligent;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 intelligent;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 intelligent;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 kind   ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 knowledgeable;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 knowledgeable – knows the facts;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Labour  ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Leader ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Loveable;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 maybe clever  ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 nice family man;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 not a television performer;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 probably nice guy  ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 professional    ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 real;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 regular guy ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 serious;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 serious ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 sincere;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 sincere;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 solid  ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 some standing up to finance  ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 stood up to IMF in past better than Blair  ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Stressed ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Strong  ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 strong-headed;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 sturdy ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 successful chancellor until crash   ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 sympathy;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 thoughtful  ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Tries hard ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 trong answers during debate;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 trustworthy ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 Trying too hard ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 unaware ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 well-meaning;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 What you see is what you get   ;Gordon Brown 2010;positive;1 academic ** **;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Always play acting  ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Better as a * chancellor rather than a * prime minister  ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 better the devil you know  ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 blaggard   ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 blamed ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Blind in one eye;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 bullied by media   ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 could be a “yes man”  ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Difficult  ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Dour  ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 economics   ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Education;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Fake  ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Feel a little sorry for him  ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 feel sorry for him;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 feel sorry  ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 flawed (level of personal ambition)  ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 found love late in life   ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Good picture;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Grumpy  ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 has no oomph!!;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 He is trying hard to keep the economy afloat but he is being advised badly by his fellow cabinet and economics advisers;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 he should have stayed as Chancellor;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 human   ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 in power ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Just in it for him and not other people    ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 known ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Labour  ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 lacking charisma awkward   ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Liar  ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Morose   ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 No personality;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Not good with others  ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 old  ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 old ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Old     ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Older;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 politician;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Power hungry ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Prudence;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Rude;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Sad ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 safe  ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Said stuff and didn’t do it  ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Scottish   ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 short-tempered   ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Single-minded ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Smart    ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Socially uncomfortable ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Solid   ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 stern   ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 strong   ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 suffers from lack of poor public speaking skills;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 surface  ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 too late  ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Touched up photo ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 trying to smile  ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Trying too hard ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 uncomfortable   ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 unlucky;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Unwavering ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 weak  ;Gordon Brown 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 “everyday person”  ;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 against nuclear weapons;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 appears more genuine;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 approachable  ;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 articulate;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 bridging the gap  ;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 capable;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 change agent;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 charismatic;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 charismatic;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 cheeky  ;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 competent;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 competent;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 competent;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 confident  ;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 dark horse  ;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 determined;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 direct approach when talking to public;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 earnest;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 education;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 electoral reform;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 energetic;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 fair;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 fair;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 fair;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 fairness  ;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 forward-thinking;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 fresh;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 friendly;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 friendly  ;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 Genuine;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 good debates  ;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 handsome  ;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 hard-working (to have got to where the Lib Dems now are);Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 has potential;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 honest;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 honest;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 honest  ;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 immigration amnesty a brave idea  ;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 inspiring;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 intelligent;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 intelligent;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 intelligent;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 looks empathetic;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 looks like he works for the job centre  ;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 media savvy  ;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 modern;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 more sympathetic to environmental issues eg air travel tax;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 most progressive social policy;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 new;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 new;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 next door;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 nice;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 non-London-based;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 nothing to lose;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 passionate;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 passionate;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 pleasant  ;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 positive;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 reactive  ;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 realistic;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 realistic defense policy;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 relatively more idealistic;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 relatively more impassioned  ;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 relevant;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 safe  ;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 self assured;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 sincere;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 straight-forward  ;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 strong economic policy;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 strong team;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 too-European;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 trustworthy;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 vitality;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 well-presented;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 workable  ;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 young;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 young;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 young;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 young;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 youth  ;Nick Clegg 2010;positive;1 A good orator but what does he stand for?;Nick Clegg 2010;uncoded;0 AGR (aggressive?);Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 all thing to all men;Nick Clegg 2010;negative;-1 apparently performed well in debate;Nick Clegg 2010;uncoded;0 articulate;Nick Clegg 2010;uncoded;0 balance;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 best looking  ;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 bland;Nick Clegg 2010;negative;-1 bland;Nick Clegg 2010;negative;-1 bland;Nick Clegg 2010;negative;-1 blank on policies;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 Campervan;Nick Clegg 2010;negative;-1 candidate for change ---> uncertainty;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 change;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 charisma;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 Don’t know who he is;Nick Clegg 2010;negative;-1 easily wounded;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 experience;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 He is voicing the concerns of the UK electorate but not explaining how he would solve the UK’s problems;Nick Clegg 2010;uncoded;0 head teacher;Nick Clegg 2010;uncoded;0 hopeful;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 human  ;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 idealist;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 idealistic;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 immigration ;Nick Clegg 2010;uncoded;0 inexperienced;Nick Clegg 2010;negative;-1 inexperienced;Nick Clegg 2010;negative;-1 inexperienced  ;Nick Clegg 2010;negative;-1 inoffensive  ;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 Jack Johnson (not different);Nick Clegg 2010;negative;-1 maybe he knows what he’s talking about ;Nick Clegg 2010;uncoded;0 mocked  ;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 never had power;Nick Clegg 2010;negative;-1 Nick Clegg;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 None;Nick Clegg 2010;uncoded;0 None;Nick Clegg 2010;uncoded;0 non-relevant  ;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 opportunist politics perhaps? with no real depth ;Nick Clegg 2010;uncoded;0 overly familiar;Nick Clegg 2010;negative;-1 passive;Nick Clegg 2010;negative;-1 pleading;Nick Clegg 2010;uncoded;0 policies;Nick Clegg 2010;negative;-1 possibly the most left wing;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 sits on the fence;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 tactical voting;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 tame  ;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 trust;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 uninspiring;Nick Clegg 2010;negative;-1 unknown;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 untested;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 victim;Nick Clegg 2010;negative;-1 what does he actually stand for?;Nick Clegg 2010;uncoded;0 who?;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 won’t side with Labour if hung parliament  ;Nick Clegg 2010;negative;-1 yellow;Nick Clegg 2010;uncoded;0 young;Nick Clegg 2010;uncoded;0 young;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 young / unexperienced;Nick Clegg 2010;neutral;0 ‘Dave’;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 ‘God like’ sun behind  ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 “tries too hard”;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 airbrushed;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 airbrushed;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 anti-European;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 arrogant;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 arrogant;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 bereavement;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 bit of a media / advertising leech;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 bitchy campaigning;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 bitchy ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Bland;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 blue eyes;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Bullingdon club ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Bully;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 businessman   ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 cheesy ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 complacent ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Conservative  ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 creep;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 creepy;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 critical;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 cuts ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 dangerous;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 dangerous ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Devious;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 dishonest;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 dishonest ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Duplicitous;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Elite manipulating;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 elitist;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 elitist;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 elitist;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 evil ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 exaggerates ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 extremist;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 face like an enchanted pancake;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Fake;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Fake;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Fake;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 fake ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 fake ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 fake ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 false ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 fearmonger;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Good PR ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Good upbringing (education) ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 growth at any cost;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 hiding;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 hypercritical especially over economic regulation;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Ill-prepared;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 image conscious;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 imitating;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 inequitable society;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 insincere ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 insubstantial;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 insubstantial;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 liar;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 liar ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 liar   ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 loving it;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 marketed product;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 mass unemployment;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 middle classes ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 naïve;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 naïve;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 narrow-minded;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 neoliberal;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 New Labour ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 No substance ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Not backed by a strong team ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Not one of us but trying to be ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Novice ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 nuclear ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 out of touch;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 out of touch;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 out of touch with normal people;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 out of touch with real life;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 over-confident;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Overly shiny;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Oxford;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 paternalistic;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 patronising;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 plastic ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Poor leader ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Poor realisation    ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 populist ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 posh;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 posh;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 posh ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 posh ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 poster boy;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 poster boy;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 potential to be dangerous;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 PR focused;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 pretentious   ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 privileged;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Public schoolboy ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 public-schooled;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 puppet ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 racist ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 repetitive ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 rich;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 says too much negative things about other rather than focusing on his policies;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Scary;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Scary;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 self-interest;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 self-satisfied;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 shallow;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Slick;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Slick;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 slimy ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 slimy ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 slimy ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Sly;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 smarmy;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Smarmy vibe;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 smarmy ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 smarmy ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 smarmy ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 smarmy ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Smarmy    ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Smooth;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 smug;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 smug;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 smug;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 smug;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 snobbish;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 society will become more polarised;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 spin;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Sun shining creates a ‘godly’ feel to picture  ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Thatcher in disguise;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Thatcher’s boy;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 the acceptable front to old fashioned backwoodsmen;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 thief ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Toff;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Tony Blair ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 too smooth;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Too young ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Tory;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 trying to be cool;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Underhanded;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 unfair National Service;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 unfair ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 unrealistic in terms of self help policy;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 Unsure in himself;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 untrustable;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 untrustworthy;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 untrustworthy;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 untrustworthy;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 untrustworthy;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 untrustworthy ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 untrustworthy ;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 upper class;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 upper class;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 upper class;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 vague;David Cameron 2010;negative;-1 a Thatcher disciple whom I would never vote;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 ambitious;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 anti-bureaucracy  if true;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Approachable ;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 articulate;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 bicycle man;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 botox;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Calm ;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Change ;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 change  ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 charisma;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 charisma ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Charismatic;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Cheerful;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Cheerful;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 child-like;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Christian;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Class-oriented  ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Clever;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 competent;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Confident;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Confident;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 connected;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 could be nice;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 danger;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 different ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Dynamic ;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 earnest;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Eaton educated toff who would never understand what the vast majority of the UK population need;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 eloquent;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 English;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Excitable   ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Family man;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Family man;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Family man;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Father;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 faux;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Fresh and energetic  ;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Fresh faced  ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 fresh-faced;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Good intentions    ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Healthy ;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 human (son);David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 impactual ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 in upper class;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 insincere;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Leader;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 loud ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Man of the people;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 married into money;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Measured;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 media;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Mid age  ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 middle class;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 natural politician;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 needs a wife to help his politics;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Never!!;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 New wrapper on a hairy toffee;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Nice face ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 normal;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Opportunistic ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 orange (tan);David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 passionate;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 passionate;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Personality;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Pleasey and cheesey ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 polished;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Popular;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 positive;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 positive;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 presentation;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 privileged;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 privileged ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Public school   ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Public schoolboy   ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 remote and privileged;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 savvy;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Sleazy ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 smarmy;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 smarmy;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 smart / sharp;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Smart ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Smug   ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Thinks he knows better ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 toff ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Tory scum;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Tries too hard ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Trying to pull one over on us ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 trying too hard ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 vitality;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 vivaciousness;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 wealthy;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 Wealthy     ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 wiley ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 you know what’s coming  ;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 young;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Young  ;David Cameron 2010;neutral or uncoded;0 youngish;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 youth;David Cameron 2010;positive;1 Youthful ;David Cameron 2010;positive;1