leaderevaluationtext;eval_directed_at;affective_evaluation;numeric_code a breath of fresh air ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 a liar;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 A nice person;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 A real character ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 affable();Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 ambitious ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 arrogant;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 belives in Britain ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 bewildered ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 bigot;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Blundering ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 brexit ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Brexiteer ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 Buffoon;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Buffoon;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 buffoon ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 buffoon ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Buffoon ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 bumbling ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Bumbling idiot ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 callous ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Callous ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 capitalist ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Caring ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 Charasmatic ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 charismatic ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 cheat;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 CLASSICAL EDUCATION ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 clever;Boris Johnson 2019;neutral;0 Clever ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 contemptuous;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 coward;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Decent ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 Democrat ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 DETERMINED;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 Determined ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 Different;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 direct ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 disdainful;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Disgusting ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 dishonest;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 dumb hair;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 entitled;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Entitled ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 evil;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 exhausted ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 flamboyant ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 frightening;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 fun ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 gives out wrong information probably by mistake ;Boris Johnson 2019;neutral;0 greedy;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 hates the poor ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 hid in a fridge;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Hilarious ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 homophob;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Homophobic ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 humourous ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 In charge ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 Inarticulate ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 ineffectual ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Influenced by Donald Trump;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 insincere;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Inspiring ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 Interesting ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 Liar;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 liar ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Liar ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Liar ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Liar ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Liar ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 lier ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 looking out for himself ;Boris Johnson 2019;neutral;0 lying;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Messy ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 no moral compass ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Non PC ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 NonJudgemental ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 not politically correct;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 not serious ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 not sincere ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Not very serious;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 oblivious ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 opinionated ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 out for himself;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 out of his depth ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 out of touch ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 outoftouch;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 overconfident;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 patriot ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 PATRIOTIC ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 posh ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Posh ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Positive ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 positive outlook ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 Prime minister;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 privaledged;Boris Johnson 2019;uncoded;0 privileged;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Privileged;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 privileged ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Privileged ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 PRIVILEGED UPERCLASS PLONKER ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 promoted beyond his capabilities;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 racist;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Racist ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Ready to sell uk to USA;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 rich ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 ruthless ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 scared ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 scared we are going towards fascism;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Scumbag ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 self interested ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 self serving ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 selfish;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 seriously don't understand why anyone would vote for him especially my parents;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Sexist ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Silly ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 smug;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 smug ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 smug ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 threat to society;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 tit;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 tory ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Twisty;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 uk equivalent to Trump ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 UK Trump;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Understanding ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 unprincipled ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 unprincipled ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 unreliable;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 unstable ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 unsure;Boris Johnson 2019;neutral;0 Untrustworthy;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Untrustworthy ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Untrustworthy ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 untruthful at times ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Unusual ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 very rude negative word starting with a C;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 vulnerable to targeting by intelligence agencies;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 weak ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 will destroy the NHS;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 will do anything to retain power for the wealthy;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 wish that lies that were told during the campaign had some sort of punmishment;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 Witty ;Boris Johnson 2019;positive;1 womaniser ;Boris Johnson 2019;negative;-1 a bit outdated;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 a little snappy;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 almost certainly not perfect ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;neutral;0 Aloof;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 also a bit lost;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 arrogant;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 Believes in what he is doing;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 Brexiteer at heart ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 calm ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 Can shout too much;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 cannot be trusted;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 caring;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 Caring;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 complacent ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 confused ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 Consistent;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 convincing public speaker;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 dangerous;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 deeply troubled by what he's doing ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 deluded;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 Different ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 Disappointing;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 dishevelled ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 dishonest ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 dithering;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 doesn't know what he's talking about;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 Down to earth ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 egalitarian;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 egotistical ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 EITHER PUPPET TO OR RESPONSIBLE FOR 'MOMENTUM';Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 elderly ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;neutral;0 fair minded;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 frightened that he might be PM ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 genuine ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 Good campaigner;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 great record for human rights ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 hardworking ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;neutral;0 Has some good points and beliefs ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 Held back by his Party;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 honest ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 idealistic ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;neutral;0 ignorant ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 incompetent ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 indecisive;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 Ineffective leader;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 Ineffectual due to being restrained;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;uncoded;0 Jezza ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;uncoded;0 Kept in power by extreme left wing;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 labour ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 Lacklustre;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 leftist ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 liar;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 makes financial promises which are totally unrealistic;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 many not the view ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 Marxist;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 May be a nice person but too tied by others and too obsessed about LeftWing causes. Too obsessed with things like Palestine;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 Media bias towards him;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 morally confused ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 Non democrat;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 not leaderlike;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 not on side of 'his' country ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 not patriotic ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 Not right person to lead the UK;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 old;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 old;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 OLD MAN ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 oldschool ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;neutral;0 opportunistic;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 our only hope for a socialist future ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 Peacemaker;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 PERHAPS FULL BLOWN COMMUNIST;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 plagued by antisemetic accusations;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 power for the people ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 principled;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 Principled;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 principled ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 Principled ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 principled ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 Principled to the point of annoyance;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 represents actual leftist view ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 rising ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 Shifty;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 sincere;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 sincere ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 socialist;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 Socialist;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 socialist ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 sombre ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 Stiffnecked ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;neutral;0 stubborn;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 Tetchy ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 Thoughtful deep committed ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 thriving ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 too ideological;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 too left;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 Too old for next government ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 too old for the job ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 Trier ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 trust that he would do his best for everyone;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;uncoded;0 Ulterior motives;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 UNDEMOCRATIC ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 Unmemorable ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 Untrustworthy;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 Vegetarian ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;neutral;0 vulnerable to strong personalities;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 Weak ;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;negative;-1 well-meaning;Jeremy Corbyn 2019;positive;1 Aloof;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 brighteyed;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 facing an uphill battle;Jo Swinson 2019;neutral;0 girl ;Jo Swinson 2019;neutral;0 only voting for her party because most likely to get the Tory out of my town ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 polished;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 seems nice;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 Silly ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 smug;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 stylised;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 young ;Jo Swinson 2019;neutral;0 a bit out of her depth;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 a bit over confident ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 Ambitious ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 annoying ;Jo Swinson 2019;neutral;0 anodyne;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 battling on ;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 bland ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 Caring ;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 clear about Brexit;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 Collaborator ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 compared to other politicos she's a 'normal' person;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 Competent ;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 competent ;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 confident ;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 deluded ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 desperate;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 desperate ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 dividing the labour vote and ensuring the tories get in ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 does not understand the political world ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 doing well as a female in UK Politics;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 don't know much about her ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 Duplicitous ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 Enthusiastic ;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 fake ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 fantasist ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 FASHION MODEL;Jo Swinson 2019;neutral;0 female ;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 genuinely trying to get it right;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 hampered by the high female pitch ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 HAS THE SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT THAT ETONIANS ARE ACCUSED OF! ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 high ego ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 homophobe ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 honest;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 Housewife ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 ignorant ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 In touch with normal poeple ;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 incompetent ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 indignant ;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 Keen ;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 liar;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 liar;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 Liberal ;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 manipulative ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 MANIPULITIVE ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 New generation ;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 no gravitas at all;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 no more liberal than myself or many others ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 NON DEMOCRAT ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 not a Democrat ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 Not a leader of the UK ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 not a Tory;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 Out of her depth ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 Passionate;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 patronising ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 planning to spend too much money we can't afford ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 powerless;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 prim school teacher ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 Principled ;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 Remoaner ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 selfconfident;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 selfrighteous ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 Serious ;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 She seems ok as a person but has completely opposite views from mine on Brexit ;Jo Swinson 2019;neutral;0 slightly naive;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 slimy;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 Speaks with the entitlement she would accuse an Etonian of having ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 Strong;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 Strong ;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 tarred by the coalition ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 Unaccepting ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 undemocratic ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 Undemocratic ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 undemocratic ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 unintelligent;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 Unknown entity ;Jo Swinson 2019;neutral;0 unlucky ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 Unprincipled ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 wellpresented ;Jo Swinson 2019;positive;1 yellow tory ;Jo Swinson 2019;negative;-1 Young ;Jo Swinson 2019;neutral;0 Young ;Jo Swinson 2019;neutral;0 a confidence trickster;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 at least doesn't like Sargon... ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 bigot ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 every rude negative word;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 fascist ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 insincere ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 out for him self ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 pretends to be working class;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 racist ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 scum;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 selfish ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 slimy;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 sneering;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 started all this Brexit stuff and torn the country apart all for his gain;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Trump friend ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 90% racist rhetoric 10% just a plain oleworkingman schtick;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 a liar;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Absolute bag of dicks;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 angry;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 ANGRY BIRD ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 barely even a human;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 boomer ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Brexiteer ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 calculating ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 Can be too RightWing on some issues.;Nigel Farage 2019;uncoded;0 Can make errors of judgement ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 capable of making mistakes ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 cares about the country ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 Charismatic;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Chiefly responsible for the opportunity to rid first this country and then other countries from the EU ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 Clever ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 Close ties with Donald Trump;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 conman;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 conviction;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 corrupt ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 cruel ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Deceitful ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 DEMOCRAT ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 DETERMINED ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 dickhead;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Disordered;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 distant;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 does radio;Nigel Farage 2019;neutral;0 domineering;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Down to Earth ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 drunk on his own rhetoric;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 easily bribed;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Egotistical ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 establishment;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Evil ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Evil ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 father of all patriots! ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 Forceful body language ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 genuine ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 Good at arguing against the E.U. ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 good campaigner ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 Grey;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Hateful ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 hideous frog ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 high energy ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 horrible ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 I don't agree with him on Immigration;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 immoral ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 indignant;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 intelligent ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 liar ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 liar ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 manipulative ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 manipulative ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 nice guy;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 Not a leader of UK;Nigel Farage 2019;uncoded;0 One issue politician;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 opinionated ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 opportunist ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 opportunist ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Opportunist ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Passionate ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 persistant ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 Populist ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Principled ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 privileged ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Privileged ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 racist;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Racist ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Racist ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Rascal;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 reprehensible. all of that is;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Repugnant ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 rotten ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 self interested ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 selfish;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Seriously? ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 smarmy ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 smug;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Stoic ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 the country is in a mess as there was no plan ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 total chancer ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 total liar ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 truthful ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 ugh;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 uncaring ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 untrustworthy;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Untrustworthy ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 vile ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Witty ;Nigel Farage 2019;positive;1 Xenophobe ;Nigel Farage 2019;negative;-1 Population deniers ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 seem nice ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;neutral;0 who are they? ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;neutral;0 Afraid I cannor bring to mind anything to write unknown to myself;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;uncoded;0 approachable ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 Aspirational ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 avoiding immediate issues;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 cannot be bribed ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 caring ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 Casual;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 completely irrelevant in a world where the first homeless person has already died from cold this year;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 different ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 dominated by a single issue;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 Don t know anything about them;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 Don t know that much about either ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;neutral;0 Don t know their other policies;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 don t know them;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;neutral;0 Dreamers ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 enjoying success ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 femalefriendly ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 follower not leader;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 friendly ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 Gentle ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;neutral;0 green ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;neutral;0 green ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 Green about the gills!;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;neutral;0 happy ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 HAPPY ENJOY LIFE ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 have an inappropriate sense of entitlement;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 helpful ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 honest ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 honest ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 hopeful ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 I don t know her much ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 I don t know him at all! ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;neutral;0 idealistic ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;neutral;0 ignores her effect on the two party struggle;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 Jokey;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 Like the idea of a partnership but don t know how it would work as PM ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 lovely ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 NAIVE;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 nice party ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;neutral;0 No impression;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;neutral;0 Not sure how they would run the country;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 Not taking things very seriously ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;neutral;0 not to be trusted;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 One issue party;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 one trick ponies;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 Optimist ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 positive ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 potentially disastrous ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 powerless;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 Principled;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 relatable;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 Remoaner ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 Remoaner [i guess !];Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 selfconfident;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 she reminds me of their old Leader Natalie Bennett. ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;neutral;0 She seems ok but I don t agree with her on Brexit. ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;neutral;0 SHOULD BUT DONT RECOGNISE OUR PROBLEM AS OUR OWN NUMBERS ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 sincere;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 single issue;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;neutral;0 teamwork ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 They have made no impact on me;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 trustworthy ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 trying to improve things;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 Undemocratic;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 Undemocratic;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 unknown to myself;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;uncoded;0 Unlikely to win ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;neutral;0 Unrealistic ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 weak personality;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 wellmeaning ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 Who?;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;negative;-1 Who? ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;neutral;0 wholesome ;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 wish i could vote for them;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;positive;1 wouldn t vote wish they would join a bigger party to make it stronger;Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley 2019;uncoded;0 A dog with a bone ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 ADEPT AT PRESENTING A MUDDLED PICTURE AS CONVINCING ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 Annoying ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 Boring ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 calculating;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 clear spoken ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 Dangerous ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 Dangerous.;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 does she really care what anyone else thinks? ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 Extremist ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 has very high opinion of herself not shared by others ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 Irrelevant unless you live in Scotland ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 irritating ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 irritating voice ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 liar;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 muddled ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 MUDDLED ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 narrow focus ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 Nationalist ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 No Fun! ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 Obsessed with IndyRef2 ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 Obsessive ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 opportunistic ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 over ambitious;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 patronizing ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 personality issues;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 Petty Nationalist ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 Prejudiced ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 Pushy ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 Remoaner ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 ruthless;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 single issue;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 Stuffed up ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 undemocratic ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 Undemocratic ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 Untrustworthy ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 Wants to break up the U.K. ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 wants to break up the UK ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 Won't take no for an answer ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;negative;-1 firm ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;neutral;0 GIVES ME THE CREEPS ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;neutral;0 May be ok as a person, as most are, but I disagree with her aims ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;neutral;0 nationalistic;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;neutral;0 single minded ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;neutral;0 single minded ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;neutral;0 wish could rep the rest of the UK;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;neutral;0 approachable;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 caring;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 friendly;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 genuine;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 genuine;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 happy;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 intelligent;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 kind;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 real;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 sincere,;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 strong;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 what you see is what you get. ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 Approachable ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 cannot be bribed;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 charismatic ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 clear;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 Committed ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 competent ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 Competent ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 Competent ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 Could run independent Scotland ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 Decent ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 determined ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 determined ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 fair/balanced;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 focussed ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 FRIENDLY ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 integrity;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 Interviews well ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 Leader ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 passionate ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 Passionate ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 passionate ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 Powerful ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 Principled;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 Progressive ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 proud;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 proud;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 RADIANT ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 Responsible ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 Scottish inpendenece ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 Serious;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 Serious;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 sincere;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 skilled;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 strong ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 Strong ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 strong ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 Strong ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 strong ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 Strong leader;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 strong leader ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 Winner ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;postive;1 Approachable ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;uncoded;0 Irrelevant to me, although I entirely love her. ;Nicola Sturgeon 2019;uncoded;0 facing an uphill battle;Adam Price 2019;negative;-1 UKIP... ;Adam Price 2019;negative;-1 (shrugging emoji);Adam Price 2019;uncoded;0 A caring person ;Adam Price 2019;positive;1 ambitious ;Adam Price 2019;negative;-1 Bland ;Adam Price 2019;neutral;0 Boring;Adam Price 2019;uncoded;0 bourgeois ;Adam Price 2019;negative;-1 competent ;Adam Price 2019;positive;1 Dangerous if he ever got too big for his boots ;Adam Price 2019;negative;-1 dead party ;Adam Price 2019;neutral;0 distant;Adam Price 2019;uncoded;0 Don't know about him;Adam Price 2019;uncoded;0 emotionless;Adam Price 2019;uncoded;0 empty ;Adam Price 2019;uncoded;0 forwardthinking;Adam Price 2019;positive;1 gone;Adam Price 2019;uncoded;0 gone for gay vote ;Adam Price 2019;positive;1 honest ;Adam Price 2019;positive;1 Hopeful ;Adam Price 2019;positive;1 Insular ;Adam Price 2019;negative;-1 May be nice as a person but I disagree with his views;Adam Price 2019;uncoded;0 Nationalist ;Adam Price 2019;negative;-1 neutral ;Adam Price 2019;neutral;0 No Fun;Adam Price 2019;uncoded;0 NO IDEA ! ;Adam Price 2019;neutral;0 No idea who he is! ;Adam Price 2019;neutral;0 No strong impression ;Adam Price 2019;neutral;0 None;Adam Price 2019;uncoded;0 Not really known to myself;Adam Price 2019;uncoded;0 not too bright;Adam Price 2019;negative;-1 Petty Nationalist ;Adam Price 2019;negative;-1 Politically confused;Adam Price 2019;negative;-1 principled ;Adam Price 2019;positive;1 Pushy ;Adam Price 2019;negative;-1 Serious ;Adam Price 2019;positive;1 Smart ;Adam Price 2019;positive;1 SMARTLY AND CLEAN CUT ;Adam Price 2019;positive;1 Thinking of what's best for Wales ;Adam Price 2019;positive;1 unconnected ;Adam Price 2019;uncoded;0 Undemocratic ;Adam Price 2019;negative;-1 untrustworthy ;Adam Price 2019;negative;-1 vague;Adam Price 2019;uncoded;0 Wants to break up the U.K.;Adam Price 2019;uncoded;0 weak ;Adam Price 2019;negative;-1 Well hes not Lianne Wood is he? ;Adam Price 2019;negative;-1 Who?! ;Adam Price 2019;neutral;0 Yikes didn't even recognise the name. Negative. ;Adam Price 2019;negative;-1